The MOST DANGEROUS Massachusetts Interstate
What IS the MOST DANGEROUS Massachusetts interstate?
There is nothing worse than an accident on the highway or on a side street. Once it happens, your blood pressure rises, you panic wondering if you’re hurt. Is the other person hurt? Is it YOUR fault? How much damage is there to my car? Will my insurance cover it?
Those are just a few of the immediate questions. Add to that, say goodbye to any plans you had that day. If you have AAA, you’re waiting for an hour or more until they arrive.
Massachusetts Law
Did you know this Massachusetts law? If you’re in need of a tow off the Pike, (or any interstate highway, I would imagine) the tow company must tow your vehicle OFF THE PIKE IMMEDIATELY and drop you off at the nearest OFF Pike parking lot for safety. It’s probably a good law. But, know this. Your AAA experience starts AFTER the Pike/state hired tow company gets you OFF the Pike. The state hired tow company will not take you home, or to a garage. That’s on YOU, after you get off the Pike. This happened to me several years ago when I hit a huge pothole on the Pike. The pothole was so huge, it disabled my car. The tow company dropped me off at a IHOP off the Pike. From that point on I had to wait for over an hour for AAA to pick me AND THE car up, and drop it off at a garage, recommended by my insurance company. I hit the pothole at 12:30pm on a rainy weekday. I didn’t get home until 8pm that night.
The MOST DANGEROUS Massachusetts Interstate
According to a new study from Assurance:
Researchers used NHTSA data to calculate the number of fatal crashes per interstate and then compared those numbers to the number of interstate miles, sourced from the Department of Transportation. Here’s what they found:
The most dangerous interstate in Massachusetts is I-93, with 3.4 fatal crashes per 10 miles of I-93 in Massachusetts.
Overall, in Massachusetts, there are 10.1 fatal crashes per 100 miles of all interstates.
Be safe and Happy Holidays!!!