The Most Searched For Slang Words in Massachusetts for 2024
I know what the literal meaning of the word "demure" is. But do you know what it's slang for with kids today? (Wow does it make me feel old saying that last part.) ran the numbers looking at Google Trends for 2024. The slang that more Bostonians searched for than any other according to their research was "demure." Most of us probably have always known that word to mean "reserved, modest or shy in manner or appearance." But Tik Tok has apparently changed demure's meaning a bit. Turns out "Jools Lebron" has modified the connotation of the word demure in videos that have gone viral. Now demure in slang means "assessing appropriate makeup and fashion choices in various settings," according to the report. Demure was also found by the study to be the most searched for slang in the United States. Some other slangs in the top 10 include "sigma," someone who's independent and self reliant. And yes, even "Hawk Tuah" made the list. Let's just leave that one alone. If you're unaware of the phenomenon, Google can fill you in. Her 15 minutes of fame are up. My favorite on the list is #10: "Womp Womp." It's that comedic sound when someone fails. Randoh Salihall with Unscramblerer says slang words are a "normal and fun evolution of language." They suggest you try a few to impress your kids like "preen" (a child who tries to act like a teenager) or katz (something enjoyable or fun).