3 Great Tips To Get You To Live To See 100
If you want to live to see 100, then we have some good news for you and could get you there. More than ever it is not entirely out of the realm of possibility to live to the century mark. With the advent of new drugs that can cure or help us cope with the maladies that we once fell victim to and lessened our chances of doing it.
It is always interesting to hear from people that did live to see 100, they all have some kind of tip that they believe is the “secret” to their success. Perhaps it’s having a glass of red wine every day or the opposite, never touching a drop of alcohol. Some centurions will say that never sweat the small stuff or try to laugh everyday.
There are hundreds of theories as to how some of us make it to 100 and most of don’t, but now experts have reduced it all down to just 3 habits that will give us a better chance of getting there.
A study found three things that all up your chances by over 20%.
None of them will shock you, but it’s interesting. The study found even getting better about them in your 70s or 80s can up your chances of hitting 100. Here are the three habits . . .
1.Ā Ā Don’t smoke.Ā People in the study who never smoked were 25% more likely to make it to 100 than smokers. If you’re still smoking, the time to quit is NOW, because you might still have time to let your body recover at least some of it’s health back.
2.Ā Ā Exercise.Ā Even if you’ve never worked out, doing it NOW can help.Ā People who get regular exercise are 31% more likely to hit 100. The good news is, you don’t have to be a workout maniac to get results, just get moving.
3.Ā Ā Eat a diverse diet.Ā That means healthy things, like fruits and veggies . . . NOT hitting five different fast food places a week.Ā Eating a diverse selection of healthy foods can up your odds of hitting 100 by 23%. You don’t need anyone to tell you what not to eat, we all know a box of donuts or a bag of chips on a regular basis is not going to get us to 100.
The study found two surprising things might NOT make a big difference though. Body mass index and drinking weren’t significant factors.