Organic Eating Is NOT Safer, Says Harvard Professor
You may not want to put down that hot dog just yet. As healthy, organic eating is NOT safer, says a Harvard professor.
Wait, tap the breaks! You mean all of those expensive trips to Whole Foods have been a waste of time? Does this mean I won’t have to travel to three different markets, one for fruit, one for meat and one for paper towels?
What about all of those scary 60 Minutes episodes on pesticides? Don’t get me started about Round Up.
Is Our Food Supply Safe?
When I was a kid growing up in Worcester the words organic foods, didn’t exist. Dad went to two places for food. One was the supermarket for the usual items. The other was his favorite vegetable and fruit stand. Mom made dinner, and life went on.
With the invention of the internet, we are deluged with data and studies of various opinions on what’s good for us and what’s bad for us. First, coffee was bad, now it’s good. Vegan is good, but now makes some people sick and weaker. Drinking alcohol is bad, but wine is good, in moderation.
Is Smoking Weed Good For Us?
Last year, I got an EKG. Thank goodness it came back fine. But the doctor and I got to talking about the legalization of marijuana. He was NOT a fan, saying that the THC in marijuana is WORSE than tobacco. Add to that the American Lung Association is concerned about the legalization of weed, saying that ANY SMOKE in the lungs, is not good for our lungs.
So, who really knows? We have to do our own research and come to our own conclusions.
Today, I’m happy to say, I’m not on any meds. Sure, like many I have to keep an eye on my blood pressure, but I’m not any BP medicine. When we shop today, we try to eat organic foods as much as possible. Today, to me, it’s getting easier to find organic foods right next to non-organic foods. Of course the organic elephant in the room is that organic foods are VERY expensive. But now, have I wasted money?
Organic Eating Is NOT Safer, Says Harvard Professor
In his bombshell book, “Resetting the Table: Straight Talk about the Food We Grow and Eat” Robert Paarlberg, an associate professor at Harvard shocked the organic eating camp saying it’s time to cut the BS.
Consumers tend to favor organic food because they believe the advocates who claim it is safer and more nutritious to eat, but there is little or no scientific evidence to support these claims. Most organic food on the market today comes from highly specialized, industrial-scale farms, not so different from those that produce conventional food.
So what professor Bob is saying here that it’s a myth that organic food comes from smaller farms. Another voice that agrees with the professor is Louise O. Fresco, trained as an agronomist, is the president of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, the world’s leading agricultural university. She says in her book: Hamburgers In Paradise:
“Organic farming as a whole is a mish-mash of valuable goals and ideals that have either been insufficiently tested or are completely misguided.” She goes onto say that the organic movement speaks to our yearning for the small, the local and the personal.
I’ll mull it over tomorrow while eating at the Big E.