Is Your Car Part Of The Family? Half Of Americans Say Yes
We dare say that nobody loves their cars more than Americans. After all were the home of Ford, Chevrolet and Chrysler just to name a few good old American car brands.
It’s hard to think of any other country in the world that loves cars as much as we do. We invented everything from drive-in, theaters, to drive through fast food joints.
There are more car dealerships in America, then probably any other country in the world. We have places called auto malls that feature multiple brands all lined up for you to Peru’s. You can literally drive miles and see nothing but car dealerships.
Our cars are our family?
All in an effort to stay in our cars. I get why we say this about our dog or cat . . . but an inanimate object? 51% Americans say they think of their car as “part of the family.” (???)
The poll also found 53% of us would hang onto our current car FOREVER if that was an option. But the #1 reason isn’t emotional, it’s financial.
80% of us are trying to keep our current car going as long as possible, because we don’t want to spend the money on a new one. Here are five more reasons we don’t want to replace it . . .
1. It’s fairly reliable. 58% agreed.
2. It gets pretty good gas mileage, 45%.
3. There’s just no way I could afford a new car right now, 28%.
4. Fond memories, like a road trip or family vacations, 24%.
5. You just have an emotional attachment to your car, 22%.
That said, most of us WOULDN’T go with the same car if we had to buy right now. Only a third said they’d buy the same make and model in a newer year.
Let’s face it, we know a lot of people that have actually named their cars. When you take the time to name an inanimate object, that means you care a lot about that thing. Is that so wrong? We don’t think so. Gotta go it’s time for me to get old Betsy up and running for a trip to the grocery store.