How Low Will You Go To Save On Heating Bills?
It’s another cold day here in the Boston area and as the temps go down, the heating bills go up. Heating your home is more expensive than ever. They’ve practically doubled since 2021 and have not got down since.
Because of this, we are looking for ways to save money on heating bills and electric bills too. Some of us go to extremes to cut down on the bills by turning the thermostat down as far as they can tolerate the cold.
What got us on the subject was a “DM Disaster” from listener Kate, a wife who is really getting tired of her husband’s obsession with coupons and the life of an “Extreme Couponer”. She said his frugality is destroying their marriage and doesn’t know how much longer she can take it.
Kate told us that her husband spends most of his spare time either clipping coupons on getting them online through various websites and then be gone all day at a grocery store. She said sometimes he’s gone for hours and comes back the wackiest stuff, like kids cereal that they will never eat or various canned goods that end up in the pantry for years.
He has gone so far as to turn their basement and garage into large stockrooms for all the goods he brings home.
Kate is about done with it and wanted to know if there were others going through the same thing with a frugal spouse.
It got very frigid
The bulk of the calls and texts came from listeners that said their spouse is extremely frugal with the home heating. We asked if anyone lives with a spouse who insists on lowering the thermostat below 60. The response was huge with plenty of people saying that they keep their house at a frosty 58 degrees. That was as low as heard thankfully nobody called with a temp lower than that.
We hope that Kate feels better now that she knows there are people that go pretty far to save a buck, heck, maybe we saved a marriage!