National Bubble Bath Day Should Be Celebrated By One And All
Today January 8th is National Bubble Bath Day and I say it should be celebrated by one and all! For whatever reasons people don’t take as many as they used to. Perhaps because we are all so busy and would consider luxuriating in a bath full of bubbles a giant waste of time.
That’s too bad, because a good hot bubble bath might be just what you need after a long and perhaps stressful holiday season. Because making time for yourself is really good for you and maybe, good for what ails you too.
We live in a world where it is considered too indulgent to set aside time to just to absolutely nothing for an hour or more. Why do we always have to be moving all of the time? Is it so wrong if you decide to draw a hot bath and add bubbles and maybe a “bath bomb” for those essential oils and relax?
You can still multi task if you feel the need. You can bring your phone with you and catch up with all of those emails and social media posts. Or, you can listen to music or even a favorite podcast to make the time more useful if you’re feeling guilty for this down time.
Are Bubble Baths a thing of the past?
We asked our listening audience if they still take an occasional bubble bath and the percentage of people who said they still do was less than 20 percent. The reasons that don’t are varied but most of it comes down to not having enough time and it was something that they stopped doing years ago and never think to do it.
That’s too bad because we should find the time to take one once in a while for the benefits they bring such as de-stressing and giving yourself alone time. My mother in-law took bubble baths every Friday night for most of her life and it was only when she moved into an apartment with a stand up shower that she sadly couldn’t do it any longer. She says it’s one of the things she misses most about her old house. Think about that and take a soak.