Hey Guys, There’s A Brand New And Improved Toupee On The Market
Hey guys, good news! There’s a new and improved toupee on the market. Let’s get real here, we all know that it’s rather easy to spot a toupee. Even the best ones are very hard to hide. It doesn’t take a trained detective to see the tell tale signs.
You can tell that it’s a toupee usually by the sheer thickness of the hair. Mostly because there is no hairline or a natural part in it where you can see the scalp.
That has always been the challenge with wigs and toupee’s. A good wig on a woman is easier to hide or blend in because of the length of the hair or the style of it.
Would Prince William consider the new and improved toupee?

(Photo by Kirsty Wigglesworth – WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Toupee or toupee
This is the biggest news for bald men since the shaved-head look came into style: TOUPEES are back in a big way. “The New York Post” did a write-up on how “hyper-realistic” ones are the hottest new “FLEX.”
They’ve gotten a lot better since their heyday in the ’80s. The good ones use real hair that’s stitched into a piece of polyester thin enough to sweat through.
They glue it to your scalp and give you the exact haircut you want. You can shower in it and go six months before it needs to be reapplied. (Here’s a video.)
The downside is they’re not cheap. Good ones cost several thousand dollars, and even those don’t last long. You might need a new toupee every year or two.
That’s still cheaper than a hair transplant though, especially if you’re fully bald. And there a growing movement to normalize it. So eventually, “wigs for men” might not seem weird at all.
You can already find guys online bragging about how good their toupee looks. So it’s less about hiding your baldness now, and more about owning it.