Dog Eats $4000 in Cash and You Won’t Believe What One Couple Did To Get It Back
Dog Eats $4000 in Cash
And You Won’t Believe What One Couple Did To Get It Back.
How far would you go to get back $4000?
This far?
A couple in Pittsburgh freaked out after their dog ate $4,000 in cash they’d just withdrawn from the bank.
Clayton and Carrie Law had a new fence put in last month, and the workers wanted to be paid in cash. So Clayton went to the bank and took out $4,000.
And less than 30 minutes later, their dog ate it. All of it. All the money.
The money muncher is a seven-year-old Goldendoodle named Cecil.
Cecil used to be trusted. I guess he doesn’t usually doesn’t chew stuff up.
“This dog, I swear to God, has never touched anything in his life,” Carrie tells Pittsburgh City Paper. “I used to go to Salem’s and bring home a salad with lamb on it and leave it sitting out, and he wouldn’t even touch it.”
But all those Benjamins were too yummy to spare, apparently.
“Suddenly Clayton yelled to me, ‘Cecil’s eating $4,000!!!!!’ I thought, ‘I cannot be hearing that.’ I almost had a heart attack,” Carrie told the paper.
The good news is they managed to get most of it back. The bad news is HOW they got it back.
You guessed it. They sifted through Cecil’s puke and poo.
WORSE? They had to wash it all off THEN put the money together like tiny puzzle pieces.
The bank told them this isn’t that uncommon, and they’d replace any of the bills as long as the serial numbers were still visible. So Clayton and Carrie got to work.
Carrie said the smell was GAWD AWFUL.
“Over the next few days, Clayton got to work collecting Cecil’s yard deposits, and he and Carrie sifted through them, picking out every tiny scrap they could find. “There we are at the utility sink,” she says, “washing this shitty money, yelling ‘Yay! Yes! We got one!’ It smelled so bad,” she told the paper.
I had a dog named Molly who used to eat socks and pantyhose and had to have about $4000 worth of operations over the years to free them from her intestines. I thought that was bad.
Cecil is fine, by the way.
Here’s the instastory: