Dog Hypnosis Is the New Canine Therapy
Dog hypnosis is the new canine therapy?
The headline caught my eye because years ago, we had a real crackpot of a pooch named Norman. I loved, loved that dog. But boy, he was a head case.
He was a beagle/basset mix with major anxiety issues. This little guy could turn our house into a chaotic mess faster than you can say “fetch.”
When we left the house, Norman unleashed his inner demon. Peeing on the rug? Check. Chewing up the furniture? You betcha. But his pièce de résistance? Pooping on the kitchen table. Yep. The kitchen table! Like a not-so-sweet bouquet of, well, you know.
Desperate times called for desperate measures. Enter Prozac. Yep, our pup was popping pills like a pro.
We even considered getting him a furry friend for company. Sophie. She turned out to be as complicated as he was.
Too bad Norman wasn’t alive during the 2020s.
Because hypnosis for dogs is a thing.
According to, “there are actually professional dog hypnotists who say dog hypnosis can help pups with anxiety.”
You are getting very sleepy…
Can dogs experience hypnosis? Uncertain. Scientific exploration into canine hypnosis is lacking, yet certified professionals offer anecdotal accounts supporting its potential.
“Dogs respond to hypnosis in a similar way to humans,” Mary Burgess, a clinical hypnotherapist serving people and pets, told Although she acknowledges a lack of research on the subject, Burgess says hypnotherapy has been successful for her canine clients.” said the signs of anxiety include excessive panting, pacing, trembling, restlessness, avoidance behaviors, excessive barking or whining, destructive chewing, loss of appetite, accidents indoors, and seeking excessive reassurance or attention from their owner.
“The main reason people bring their dogs for hypnosis is separation anxiety, general anxiety, or barking,” Burgess explained to
At the very least, reported, hypnosis “can be a kind of time out and stress reliever for dogs, especially for those who experience anxiety. ”