Is This The Most Sexist, Body Shaming Commercial From The 70s Ever?
Is This The Most Sexist, Body Shaming Commercial From The 70s Ever?
Yes, yes it is.
But First:
Tab: A misguided beverage that brought laughs and insecurities. And the most sexist body shaming commercial ever.
(By the way, THIS is the commercial that messed me up. I had no idea there were worse ones!)
Anyway, once upon a time, in the not-so-glorious days of the 1960s, an odd and dubious beverage called Tab emerged on the scene.
The brainchild of Coca-Cola, Tab was marketed as the ultimate “diet” soda for women, promising a svelte figure and a glamorous life. And created the most sexist body shaming commercial ever.
Little did they know that this peculiar drink would spark laughter and inadvertently contribute to body image insecurities among the fairer sex.
With its garish pink packaging and a taste that resembled fizzy battery acid, Tab hit the shelves with great fanfare.
Sure, the name sounded more like a computer program than a beverage. And it perplexed many. But the cunning marketers knew that tapping into women’s insecurities about their bodies was a gold mine for profit.
Tab’s advertising campaigns were a sight to behold.
They crafted a world where slender women in chic outfits and perfectly coiffed hair smiled gracefully while sipping the tastless fizz.
The message was clear: Tab equaled beauty, grace, and the key to unlocking the elusive gates of societal acceptance. Viola! Women across the nation succumbed to the allure of this “miracle” drink.
But the reality was far from the fantasy.
Women who dared to take a sip quickly discovered that Tab tasted like a mix of disappointment and sadness.
With each sip, they felt a strange sense of guilt as if they were betraying their taste buds in the pursuit of the ever-elusive skinny dream.
As the years passed, Tab’s popularity waned.
It became more of a punchline than a prized possession. Women realized that attaining the so-called “Tab bod” required more than just consuming a peculiar beverage with questionable nutritional value.
Yet, the impact of Tab on body image persisted. Many women couldn’t help but feel inadequate, comparing themselves to the unrealistic standards set by the ad campaigns.
Society had unwittingly been served a double dose of irony! It was a diet soda that did more harm to body image than good for the body!
Fortunately, times have changed.
We’ realize that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Women embrace the idea that self-love and confidence are far more refreshing than any diet soda.
The tale of Tab is a quirky and snarky reminder of the absurdity of societal pressures and marketing gimmicks.
Anyway, here is it. You will never un-see it.