WROR Is Moving Studios
WROR is moving this week. (The physical station. We’ll still be at 1057 on your radio and streaming at WROR.COM.) 😉
I knew it was coming but now it seems sudden to me.
Of course my coworkers and I all have our own memories of firsts on Morrissey Boulevard and I’m sure they’ll share theirs with you in the coming days. JC Haze already put a video up. He did his last shift here this past weekend. He’ll be in the new building Friday filling in for me as the summer vacation days wane.
For my first visit to this building, I, along with some of my then co-workers, were given a tour of this new facility my then station, WBOS, would be moving to. At that time WBOS was located on Soldiers Field Road in Brighton. We’d been purchased by Greater Media and they were consolidating their stations in one location: Morrissey Boulevard, Boston.
I distinctly remember walking into what was going to be the WROR studio and saying out loud, “I wanna work in here!”. The studio was bigger than the WBOS studio was and there were lots of windows. At the time I blurted that out, I had no idea it would ever happen. Hell, I had no idea I’d even still be fortunate enough to continue my radio career.
Well I’ve been in that bigger, brighter studio for over twenty-two years now.
I moved over to WROR in February of 2000 from ‘BOS. So much has happened in those twenty-two years.
When I first came here, the Boston Globe was buzzing along next door; a lot of radio employees went there for lunch. Next to the Globe, WLVI TV, channel 56 (WB 56), was still in operation. And what was a sad little Star Market on the other side of us, changed to a Shaws, then back to Star Market and got an incredible remodel in the process. There was an overgrown vacant lot next to Star Market that led to the JFK T stop. That is now an upscale apartment building.
There have been so many wonderful people who’ve worked in this building, some of them legends in the industry, all of them pros. Countless artists, sports heroes, listeners collecting their radio winnings and so many other notables have come through the doors here at 55 Morrissey Boulevard.
Their ghosts will live on in this sacred space where music and fun, daily life and, sadly, death took form and spilled out over the airwaves for over two decades.
It’s an emotional good bye for me. So much of my life and livelihood are wrapped up in these walls. I’ll forever be grateful for the opportunity and it’s finally sinking in, WROR is moving.
In two days, we’re pulling up stakes and heading to Waltham to make more memories. Our first shows from the new locale will be Thursday morning.
I hope you’ll understand if we hit a few wrong buttons in the transition (like we don’t already do that now?! LOL!).