Well this is embarrassing.
Johnny Depp‘s first album with guitarist extraordinaire Jeff Beck has already stirred controversy.
The album is called 18. Don’t roll your eyes just yet. This is Jeff Beck we’re talking about and the multi-talented artist Johnny Depp. Jeff Beck says Johnny Depp can sing rock and roll. I listened to the album and Jeff is right. Johnny can def sing. And we all know Jeff can play guitar.
But that’s not the issue. This is: One of the songs, all penned by Depp by the way, is apparently a nearly word for word poem that was written in the mid ’70’s by a man who could be a character Johnny Depp would breathe life into in one of his movies.
So now, Johnny Depp and Jeff Beck are accused of plagiarism.
It got me thinking of other well known artists accused of stealing, borrowing or otherwise plundering someone else’s music.
Here’s a partial list: