Shutting Down The T. Now What?
I suppose it’s a good thing officials are shutting the T down on purpose before more riders have to leap into the Mystic River. I know it’s not the entire T but as we all know, everything is connected so even a partial shutdown can wreak havoc.
There have been problems on the T for as long as I’ve lived in the Boston area and I moved here in ’77.
The thing is older than dirt and has needed an upgrade for a very long time. I mean, Boston is the home of North America’s first subway tunnel. The Tremont Street subway began operation in 1897. Yea, that Tremont Street. The subway that’s still in use and connects to Government Center, Park Street and Boylston Street.
It seems the T hasn’t been the most reliable way to get around for awhile. But lately there’s been a string of calamities.
There was that fire on the orange line where the woman jumped into the Mystic River because she feared the train would explode. (Remember when the orange line was shut down because someone “licked” it?) A recent power issue on the green line where riders had to walk through a dark, dank tunnel. Trains on the red line rolling through Braintree Station on their own.
It’s time. Shut it down.
Shutting down the T would have been less of a problem if the T could have been shut down completely during the first year of the pandemic. Then again, who would have worked? Except for essential workers, the rest of us were holed up in our homes, socially distancing.
We should be thankful this is happening in August.
So, let’s get this party started. The orange line shutdown begins Friday night at 9 and is scheduled to start service again September 19 at 5am. Can they do everything they want to get done in thirty days? We’ll see. (remembers big dig)
In the meantime, if you usually take the T, here’s how to get around in the next month:
And if you’re driving watch out for more pedestrians and people on bikes.
After the last two years, this is only thirty days. We can do this.
Need some motivation? Be grateful you’re not Charlie.