Happy National Cereal Day! Here Are The Top 9 Best-Selling Cereals in the United States and What Tops the List in Massachusetts!
Fun fact: there are 2.7 billion boxes — enough to wrap around the earth thirteen times — of cereal sold every year, according to the National Cereal Day website.
That’s a whole lotta milk, people.
Here are some other fun facts:
Cap’n Crunch’s full name is Horatio Magellan Crunch. He was born on Crunch Island in the Sea of Milk.
(SIDE NOTE: Where the hell is Cap’n Crunch on this list? This is the NUMBER ONE cereal of all time. Sure, you couldn’t hear your Saturday morning cartoons over the sound of crunch and the eventual scrape of the roof of your mouth, but who care. Oh Cap’n My Cap’n, nothing compares to you.)
Of the more than 314 million people in the U.S., 49 per cent start their day with a bowl of cereal.
Breakfast cereal was an American invention that began as a digestive aid because people in the 1800s were eating too much meat and I guess that stopped things up. Ew.
Yet, cereal is, without a doubt, the best meal of the day. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “What about bacon and eggs? What about pancakes and waffles?”
Too labor intensive.
You don’t need to be a gourmet chef to make a bowl of cereal. All you need is a bowl, some milk, and your favorite cereal. Pour, splash, and voila! You’ve got a meal that’s ready in under a minute.
It was the first fast food, PEOPLE!
Also, consider the versatility of a bowl of gruel. You can have it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as a midnight snack. It’s the ultimate any-time-of-day food.
And let’s not forget the most important part of cereal: the milk. Milk is the perfect complement to cereal.
It’s the yin to cereal’s yang, the peanut butter to its jelly, the Leonardo DiCaprio to any woman under 25.
But the best part about cereal? It’s a meal that never gets old. Sure, you might get tired of eating the same thing for breakfast every day, but with cereal, there’s always a new flavor to try. (I’m talking to you Cookie Crisp!)