It’s National Peanut Butter Lovers Day, Don’t Skip It!
March 1st is National Peanut Butter Lovers Day. What is the difference between national peanut butter day and this day? It must be sad that there are people who like peanut butter and could live without it. There are those who don’t like it at all. Then this day must be for people who cannot live without it.
You can count me as a true peanut butter lover. Our house is never without multiple jars of our favorite peanut butters. For me it’s always Skippy crunchy, I buy it by the bulk and use the biggest jars that is available. There is not a week that goes by that I will not have peanut butter in some form. Whether it is on a sandwich or a slice of bread for my favorites on sourdough toasted bread.

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Everyone has a favorite peanut butter
For my wife, she prefers the self grinding peanut butter that is available at stores like Whole Foods. She prefers the honey roasted variety because it adds a certain sweetness to it. Her favorite is to have it on a slice of bread, toasted with bananas, cinnamon, And walnuts. Sometimes she will drizzle high on it as well for added, honey taste
When our daughters were young, they enjoyed Jif peanut butter, and for some reason refused to eat Skippy. I even tried to give them a blind taste test on a couple of occasions. They chose Skippy every time, but refused to change, because I think they wanted to be different than mom and dad.
Average Americans eat 4 pounds of peanut butter per year. Peanut butter lovers probably eat twice that much. Dietitian say it can be a healthy part of your diet. Of course, like any other treat, you can over eat it very easily. The recommended serving is 2 tablespoons, and that can be hard to stick to when you are spreading it on your bread.
Peanut butter has healthy fats and protein
Peanut butter also packs additional heart health benefits. Thanks to the mono saturated fats it contains. Mono saturated fats can help lower bad cholesterol. The type of fat in peanut butter is it that we want according to dietitians.
The magical peanut butter also packs additional heart health benefits. Thanks to the mono saturated fats it contains. Mono saturated fats can help lower bad cholesterol. The type of fat in peanut butter is it that we want according to dietitians.
So go ahead and enjoy national peanut butter lovers day! It’s good for you and it is an all American treat.