People Were Asked 10 Questions About Thanksgiving, Here Are Their Answers
Turkey day your way
People were asked 10 questions about and we have all the answers.
Thanksgiving is known for three things: Food . . . gratitude . . . and attitude, the kind that comes with passive-aggressive table debates.
Let’s face it, it’s one of our favorite holidays and why not? Thanksgiving is all about the 3 F’s, Family, Food and Football.
No need for gifts, or cards and flowers, just enjoy all the day has to offer.
Here are the 10 questions
1. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving with your mom’s side of the family, or your dad’s? More than 10,000 people responded, and two-thirds, 67%, said they would pick their mom’s side. Geez, I poor old dad has someone to share the day with. Maybe “new” mom?
2. Would you rather work on Thanksgiving or Black Friday? 66% said Black Friday.(It’s unclear how many of those people work in retail. Also: Those were the only two choices. There wasn’t a “neither” option.) Surprised by how high the number was for people who would work Thanksgiving day. That’s 44%, these people apparently aren’t big fans of turkey and all the fixings.
3. Turkey or ham? 72% of people said turkey. This shows that we’re very traditional when it comes to what meat is at the centerpiece of the table. Of course you an always have both or just wait till Easter to have a ham.
4. Canned cranberry or homemade cranberry? 71% said homemade. (We recently found out that people who love homemade cranberry sauce are more likely to get a cranberry-themed tattoo than fans of canned.) Kind of a surprise when you think of how many cans of Ocean Spray jellied cranberry sauce is sold this time of year.
5. Would you rather COOK the Thanksgiving meal, or CLEAN UP afterwards? 77% would rather cook. I think the respondents are being honest, here for sure, most of us would rather make the mess to clean up afterwards. The worst is to have to do both. So if you’re a guest pitch in any way you can either before the meal or afterwards, and you will be invited back.
6. Do you dress up for Thanksgiving or wear comfortable clothes? 56% said comfy clothes. The good news is these days a lot of what we would consider comfy clothes can pass for dress clothes too. Just don’t take it too far and wear sweats or pajamas.
7. Stuffing or mashed potatoes? 59% said mashed potatoes. As much as we love our mashed potatoes, we can get those pretty much any time of year. However, stuffing comes only once or twice a year. So we tend to write that higher, but it doesn’t mean we don’t love our match potatoes.
8. Would you rather host a Thanksgiving dinner or ATTEND one? 72% said they’d prefer NOT to host. We feel that you should leave the hosting the people who really want to host Thanksgiving. There’s nothing worse than going to someone’s house, who have decided to host out of obligation or guilt. Nobody enjoys that.
9. Apple or Pumpkin pie? 56% said apple. Both of these pies are synonymous with Thanksgiving. The fact that more people chose Apple doesn’t mean they dislike pumpkin. There’s just something about all American apple pie. Most would prefer both I suppose.
10. Napping after Thanksgiving dinner or “staying active”? 70% of people said they’re probably going to need a nap. Maybe it’s the tryptophan and the turkey that gets tired or it’s just weird over David and our bodies need a break. Either way put me down for the late afternoon nap please.