Bob & LBF in the Morning

Bob & LBF in the Morning

Bob & LBF in the Morning


Take This Job and Shove It! 11 Professions That Are Marriage Deal Breakers!

Marry a lawyer? Maybe not.

There are some professions that are marriage deal breakers.

Reddit just did a poll about professions that are marriage deal breakers.

I mean, a couple to mind that aren’t on the list.


Professional Gamers: If you’re married to a professional gamer, you might as well kiss your social life goodbye. You’ll never see your spouse again because they’ll be too busy playing games and winning virtual battles.

Clowns: It’s hard to take someone seriously when they’re wearing a big red nose and oversized shoes. If your spouse is a clown, you might find it difficult to have serious conversations or be taken seriously by your friends and family.

Circus Performers: Dating a circus performer might sound exciting, but it comes with a lot of risks. You never know when your partner might fall off the high wire or get mauled by a lion. Plus, they’re always traveling and performing, leaving little time for a stable relationship.

Ice Cream Truck Driver: It might sound like a dream job, but being married to an ice cream truck driver can quickly turn into a nightmare. Your spouse will be constantly surrounded by screaming children and their sugar highs, and you’ll be stuck listening to the ice cream truck jingle all day long.

Mime: Communication is key in any relationship, but it’s hard to communicate with someone who doesn’t talk. If your spouse is a mime, you’ll be left guessing what they’re trying to say, leading to frustration and arguments.


Professional Tennis Players: Because love means nothing to them. (OK, I stole that joke.)

But I digress. Here are legit professions that are marriage deal breakers, according to Reddit.

  • People with MLM (Mid-Level Marketing) businesses

    One person said, “MLM isn’t a profession. It’s business cosplay.” It’s high on the list because a lot of people just end up losing a lot of money and time.
    See: LulaRoe

  • Celebrities

    I mean, this is just a no-brainer. Look under most celebs “personal” heading and it’s paragraph after paragraph about doomed relationships.

    brad pitt, angelina jolie

  • Lawyers

    Ugh. They spend all day arguing and negotiating with others, so they might bring those same behaviors home, leading to constant bickering and disagreements with their spouse.


  • Politicians

    The political arena can be a cutthroat world, and it can be hard to leave work at work. Politicians might find themselves constantly talking politics and discussing the latest scandals, leaving little room for personal conversations with their partner. Also, this:


  • Restaurant owners

    They spend long hours in the kitchen, perfecting their dishes and creating culinary masterpieces. But when they come home, they might be too tired or too focused on their cooking to give their spouse the attention they need.

  • Psychics

    Um, they know what you’ve been up to. That is all.

  • Social Media Influencers

    You will spend your lift taking photos of them and then watching them edit photos of themselves. And everything is content. The upside? You can be their plus-one.

    6 Ways Kim Kardashian Has Influenced Pop Culture

    Being A Celebrity – At the beginning of her career, Kim was famous for just being famous. She took that and ran with it and is now one of the most prominent influencers on the planet. She also paved the way for “influencer” to become a thing.

  • Active-duty soldiers

    The worry alone will cause stress. But Reddit users said but there’s also the emotional baggage of experiences, good and bad, that the other person wasn’t able to be there for.
    Active duty

  • Teachers

    Well, you have to put up with children all day. But! Some say it can also be a POSITIVE when both people are teachers, because they can have the same time off.


    Group Of Elementary School Pupils Sitting On Floor Listening To Female Teacher Read Story

  • Truck drivers

    They get flipped off all day, the hours are atrocious and they’re tired of making sure America runs.

    wreaths arriving

    Over 525 truckloads of wreaths were delivered in 2021 by hundreds of volunteer professional truck drivers driving donated equipment with fuel fromapproximately 390 carriers.

  • Law enforcement officers

    This is a HIGH pressure job and it can sometimes strain a marriage.

    A police crime scene tape close-up

    A blurred police car in the background behind yellow crime scene tape.

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