Second Grade Teacher Dance Off Is Awesome
Did your second grade teacher ever challenge you to a Teacher Dance Off like this teacher did? Our guess is probably not. Thinking back to my second grade teacher Mrs. Sturgis, as much as I enjoyed her warm and sunny disposition, I don’t see anyway she would have. Especially not a teacher ‘dance off”.
It would have been fun to have a teacher that was willing to have so much fun at school and embrace their inner flash-dancer. Why not let your guard down once in a while and show the kids that you too are a real person with a fun side that they might not see during the school day.
You have to embrace a teacher that is willing to act so joyfully and interact with her students in a very public way. With so much social medial awareness these days, she had to know that the kids would share the video with the entire world. However, she probably had no idea how many people were eventually going to see it.
To date, the video has been viewed nearly 3 million times. That’s enough for them both to be mini-celebrities and are worthy of all the attention.
Teachers like this are awesome. There’s a fun video online of a teacher in Pennsylvania and her second grade student doing a dance battle to the “Veggie Dance” song. The teacher, Ms. Laurie, says she challenged Ahmad to the dance-off after he called her old, and pointed out her gray hair.
Check out the Teacher Dance off Challenge Video here
You have got to love the energy and enthusiasm displayed here by both the teacher and her student. Although, you can clearly see that the teacher easily wins the dance off, the pupil couldn’t be more joyful than watching her tear of the dance floor.