The 7 Bad Habits That Will Make You Age Faster
The 7 Bad Habits will Age You Faster. These days people are doing anything to hold back the aging process for as long as they can. It seems that we are obsessed with the idea of not aging and remaining youthful for as long we can. We spend billions a year on everything from Botox to hair transplants, to every product under the sun that promises to stave off getting old. We unfortunately do things that make the fight harder, let’s call them bad habits. Sadly, most of us have some that are holding us back and some are even speeding up the aging process to speeds that are unnecessary and can be “course corrected” by simply watching out for these 7 bad habits that will make you age faster.

Exercise is a very important part of keeping fast aging away
7. Bad sleep.
You’ll look younger longer if you make sure you’re well-rested. Good sleep is getting between 7 and 8 hours per night, do whatever you can to set yourself up to make this happen consistantly.
6. Chronic stress.
Long-term stress limits your body’s ability to repair itself. Avoiding stress is one of the keys to slower aging. People under constant stress show it in their faces, so find ways to either avoid stress or how to better deal with it when you’re under it.
5. Too much booze.
It damages your cells and accelerates the aging process. Limit your alcohol consumption to 1 or 2 drinks per week. If you know anyone that has over done the drinking for years, then you will recognize that it does indeed age you much faster.
4. Not exercising.
We lose muscle and bone density as we age. It happens faster if you don’t work out. Getting into a weekly workout schedule is easy once you get started. Aim for 3 times a week and see where it goes from there, remember, you never regret a good workout!
3. A bad diet.
Processed food and stuff loaded with sugar and saturated fat can make your skin age faster. We all know this, but the temptations are all around us so staying away from all the bad stuff is harder than ever. We should aim for 80% good eating and 20% not so good. After all, we need a cheat day once in a while.
2. Too much sun.
Stock up on that sunscreen as we get closer to summer. For people 50 and older we are in trouble because we grew up slathering tanning oil all over ourselves and baking in the hot sun. Today we know better and have much better protection to keep us safe. Lather up!
1. Smoking.
More and more studies show vaping is bad for your skin too. The best thing to do is not smoke at all because there is absolutely nothing good about it and the harm it does to you is innumerable, but we all know this. The price of smoking is also more expensive than ever, so there’s another reason to quit.
(Fox News)