Watch Robert Plant Sing “Stairway to Heaven” for the First Time in 16 Years
Led Zeppelin Fly’s again?
Robert Plant performed “Stairway to Heaven” in public for the first time in 16 years at a cancer benefit this weekend. He dedicated it to Led Zeppelin, quote, “wherever they are.
Does this mean that the Mighty Zeppelin will fly again? Not so much, but their legendary lead singer performed it this past Saturday night for a great cause. To be honest, you can tell that he no longer has the soaring vocal range of his youth, but who does? It takes a lot for Mr. Plant to get on stage these days. He’s not one of those aging rockers that never want to give up the limelight. Thinks about the Rolling Stones and Mick Jagger, who just completed yet another album at the ripe old age of 80! Mick still has the burning desire to strut on the stage in the biggest of arenas. There is no doubt that a World Wide Stones Tour will be in the offering very soon.
The Zep stopped flying in 1980
It’s been a long time since they rock and rolled. Over 43 years to be precise. That’s amazing to think about, when you consider that they could have kept old train rolling for a lot longer and for a lot more money. They have reunited for short stints but never to get back together to record an album or hit the road. Can you imagine how big that tour would be if they ever rolled out on the road again? For Robert Plant and the rest of the band that is inconceivable, they’ve long since moved on and have had many other projects. Robert went solo in the 80’s and had some success with his band the Honey Drippers, but mostly he has opted out of the rock and roll life.
Such a treat!
It happened at a benefit for the Cancer Awareness Trust . . . which was organized by Andy Taylor from Duran Duran. He himself is fighting stage 4 colon cancer. It’s pretty awesome to watch, although Plant didn’t let loose at the end of the song. They brought things down considerably so he could just sing, instead of screaming. After it was over, he dedicated the song to Taylor, the Cancer Awareness Trust, and Led Zeppelin, quote, “wherever they are.”
Supposedly, the last time Plant did “Stairway” was when Zeppelin reunited in 2007 at a tribute for Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun.
Check out the video here