Say, Say, Say Is This Artificial Intelligence Song Awesome Or A Car Wreck?
This getting scary
Everyone is talking about the sudden onset of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence), it’s scary for some and for others there is an excitement about all the possibilities it could mean. It promises advances in just about every field, from health and medicine to Hollywood and beyond.
The ability to take a person’s voice and duplicate it is simply amazing. There have been incidents of duplicating someone’s voice to the point that even the person whose voice is being used is convinced it must have been something they forgot they said.
Elon Musk has been warning everyone about the magnitude of A.I. fearing that it could someday be so massive that we will be under it’s control. A very scary thought. In fact, Geoffrey Hinton, the person who has been in charge of it at Google is so scared of A.I. that he recently stepped down from the massive company due to not wanting to be a part of where it is going and to warn the world that it has to be stopped now, while we still have the ability to do so.

“You can’t go on/Thinking nothing’s wrong, oh no/Who’s gonna drive you home/Tonight?”
Is it Just What We Needed?
What is still a bit scary is the ability to take something like a classic song such as the Cars first hit single ‘Just What I Wanted” and strip out the vocals, keep the music and replace the vocals with another singer, and that is just what was done by audio engineer Tyler Squires and was also shared by Cars guitarist Elliot Easton on his own Facebook page.
Paul McCartney hasn’t shared it yet on his
I can’t say that this version will be or should be a hit for Sir Paul, but it stands to show how far A.I. has come already, if you didn’t know it was a computerized version of the song, you would surely think that Paul had been messing around in the studio for fun.
Clearly, there’s a ways to go, but if we are already capable of this, what is next? The possibilities are endless, and that is scary.
Check it out!