Manchester, NH Woman Almost Crushed To Death In Sanitation Truck
A 60-year-old woman in Manchester, New Hampshire was almost crushed to death in a sanitation truck.. . after she was thrown into a garbage truck on Monday, and “compacted” at least four times.
The woman had apparently fallen into a dumpster outside her apartment while trying to throw out a bag of trash. Officials haven’t said how long she was stuck in the dumpster, but she was still in there when the garbage truck came through. The truck emptied the dumpster with her in it, and then began compacting. The driver said it crunched around four times before he saw her on the internal camera and called 911.
Manchester, NH woman almost crushed to death in sanitation truck
This truck had a monitor that allows drivers to see into the back of the truck. Sometimes they see animals like raccoons in there . . . but seeing a WOMAN had to be horrifying.
He wasn’t the only one who noticed. Neighbors could HEAR the woman screaming from inside the truck. One witness told the local news that it sounded like she was in agony.
The firefighters showed up, and talked to the woman through a side panel in the truck. They could tell that she was alive, but she wasn’t totally coherent.
They used the basket of the firetruck to lift her out of the top of the trash truck. It took about 30 minutes to free her.
She was taken to the hospital, where she’s expected to be okay. There are conflicting reports about the severity . . . some say she escaped with “minor” injuries, others say she’s in “serious condition.”
By the way, fire officials also made sure the driver was okay, and he was . . . supposedly “this isn’t the first time this has happened to him.” (???)
In case you missed our conversation about this poor woman
Bob: Who knew? Who knew that this household chore could be dangerous? We’re talking deadly dangerous here. Yeah, yeah. And I do it every Sunday.
I’m thinking twice about this chore now. Talking about taking out the trash. Oh, who knew it could be so dangerous like it was for the 60 year old woman in Manchester, New Hampshire? She’s lucky to be alive. Literally. After she was thrown into a garbage truck after falling into a car. Into a dumpster. She was taking her trash out and somehow fell into the dumpster. The truck backs up, unknowingly picks up the dumpster and dumps it in the truck, and then let the games begin. So we have some audio right from above.
LBF It’s alarming because you don’t really think it’s true. You don’t think it really happens. But it came up over here and here at screaming and stuff like that. So we thought that something really bad was out there happening.
Bob: Yeah. Definitely never nothing but raccoons, maybe little critters in there. And then that’s spooky, but never a person in there.
Audio from WMUR I talked to the driver. He seemed to be okay. It’s not the first time this has happened to him. That was definitely one for the books.
LBF Wait minute. The first time this has happened.
Bob Yeah, we have questions.
LBF If it’s women, if it’s people, then that we got a dilemma up there.
Bob Manchester I didn’t if if that’s a common thing. But then I did a little deep dive about death by dumpster.
LBF It’s more common, you think, right?
Bob Yeah, she’s okay, but I didn’t. I guess when you think about it, if you think about the the width and height of a dumpster, if you fall in a dumpster. Yeah. Or if you’re sleeping in a dumpster because some people sleep in dumpsters. Homeless people, or if you’re dumpster diving in, the next thing you know. But it would be hard to lift yourself out of it, you know, because higher than you. And if you’re not, you know, strong, you’re in there. It’s hard to get out of a pool sometimes.
LBF No, on the OSHA, occupational Safety and Health Administration, government. Government. Website. Yeah. Because you will realize. That dumpsters are a national menace, right? I mean, I, I, they fall on people. They crush people. People get caught in the middle of them. They when they.
LBF He went to go retrieve medicine that he had accidentally thrown out. And then it was an automatic, squishy machine in the dumpster. Yeah, and he met his fate.
Bob That’s brutal. So the firefighters showed up, right? Manchester? Yeah. They talked to the woman through a side panel in the truck, and they could tell she was alive, but she was wasn’t totally coherent. So they use the basket of the fire truck to lift her out of the top of the trash truck. It took about 30 minutes to free. And then, of course, she was taken to the hospital. She escaped with minor injuries. Others say she, but others say she’s more serious condition.
Bob I’m never throwing anything. I mean, I’m a hoarder. It’s official. I’m gonna be a hoarder from now on. I’m never throwing anything out.
Here’s the audio from the show