Four Things You Can Do in the Morning to Be Happier All Day
Ready to tackle the day?
Do you roll out of bed ready to tackle the day? If you do, then congratulations because you’re a rare breed these days. More of us are far from rolling out of bed with a great big stretch and a strong desire to crawl right back in.
If you ever need a pick-me-up, here are four things you can do every morning to be happier all day . . .
Here are the 4 things to make your day happier
1. Get screens out of your room. When you reach for your phone or TV remote first thing in the morning, you’re letting the outside world dictate your mood. Try to start your morning without a screen for a day or two and see if it makes a positive impact on your day. If it works, keep it up until it becomes a habit.
2. Talk to yourself. It doesn’t have to be out loud or anything, but talking to yourself and hyping yourself up can set you up for success. Like if you have a big presentation at work that day, you could tell yourself, “You’ve done this before. You’re going to do great.” In other words, if you’re not getting coaching from anyone else, it’s time to coach yourself.
3. Talk to somebody else. It can be anyone you like . . . your spouse, your child, a friend. And it can be a phone call, a text, or, if you have more time, meeting up for coffee. Just having that social connection is important. Having a close friend circle is vital. It works both ways, you will be there for them in return and it’s great knowing you have people you can depend on and they will be glad to know that they can depend on you.
4. Be thankful. In research trials, people who journaled about the things they’re thankful for during the week scored much higher on measures of happiness than people who wrote down things they’d been irritated by. It’s the old adage, “stop and smell the roses” because we all have things we can be thankful for but, sometimes forget.
So find some way to express some gratitude in the morning, because it can be enough to put you in a better frame of mind all day. (Huff Post)