13 Celebrities You Had No Idea Celebrate National Only Child Day Today!
I love my brother and sister, but I am the daughter of an only child and the mother of an only child. So when people used to ask “are you going to give her a sister or a brother?” was always like, “Um, why?”
Because being an only child is pretty great!
Just ask my daughter Lucy!
According to Pew Research, the number of families with only one child has doubled since 1970. In 2014, t 22 percent of women age 40-44 had given birth to only one child.
Being an only child is the best and it’s not just because they get all the presents at Christmas! There are so many perks to being an only child that it’s hard to know where to begin.
First of all, they get all of our parents’ attention. While other kids have to compete with siblings for their parents’ love, attention, and approval, they don’t have to worry about that. They get to be the center of their parents’ universe.
They also get to be their parents’ favorite and NO ONE has to go to therapy about it!
Not to mention, their parents never look at a picture and say “I’m not sure if that’s you or your brother.”
Parents don’t have to split their money or time between multiple kids, so they get to have all the latest gadgets, clothes, and toys. And since they don’t have any siblings to share with, they never have to worry about someone else breaking or ruining their stuff.
My favorite part of being a family of three is never having to split up on a flight with three seats in a row and Lucy always takes the middle because she’s little!
To all the siblings out there, sorry, but being an only child is just too good to give up!