Good News, People Who Nap Have Bigger Brains!
Naps get bad raps!
I believe in taking naps. They’re great for rejuvenating you when you are tired or just not feeling 100% up for the day. Maybe it was a late night or perhaps you didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Do we really need an excuse for a nap, if you have the time and the place for a nap, then take one.
A lot of great people were nap takers
If you need an excuse for a quick nap, here ya go: A new study in the journal “Sleep Health” found people who take naps have BIGGER BRAINS.
Our brains shrink as we get older. But it found that taking short naps when you feel like you need them could help prevent it. Just don’t nap too long. 15 minutes is enough.
Naps are in our DNA!
Researchers looked at DNA samples and brain scans of more than 35,000 people between 40 and 70 years old. And they found a noticeable difference between nappers and non-nappers.
Nappers’ brains were slightly bigger . . . the equivalent of two-and-a-half to six-and-a-half YEARS worth of shrinkage.
The study didn’t show “causation,” just “correlation.” Meaning the brains of people who take naps seem to age more slowly. But it’s not clear if it’s because they nap, or if there’s some other reason.
Cats and dogs love to nap too!
Take it from our furry friends, naps are good for you. Most animals are nappers, whether it’s your pet cat or dog or a lion in the heat of an African summer day, they know that they need their rest and naps are a regular part of their daily routine.
Also, previous studies have found too many naps could actually be harmful, so keep that in mind too. Excessive napping can even be an early sign of dementia in older adults.