The Hollywood Reporter has released a new list of the top shows of the 21’st century and here are the Top 5 . This couldn’t be an easy assignment because their have been so many great shows in the past 24 years. Some would say, that this is the real golden age of television. We have so many more outlets to watch shows on. There are at least 100 networks and streaming channels, everything from Disney to Apple TV to FUBU and Hulu.
Gone are the days of relying on only the so called Big Three Networks of ABC, CBS and NBC. In the last century streaming your favorite shows and binging on episodes was only a dream. Now, you can not only devour a season of shows, you can devour every episode of that show in it’s entirety.
These Top 5 television shows of the 21st century are all must see tv
It must have been a difficult task to narrow the list to the top 5. There are so many great shows that have been on since 2000, that narrowing the list down must have been quite a conversation for the folks at the Hollywood Reporter. What was the criteria? All the shows are wildly popular with not only the critics, but the viewers. These shows have mostly been on streaming services so they can tell exactly how many times they have been streamed and viewed. With the ability of viewers to rate the shows, they also can get a good idea of what the consumers think of the show. That kind of information wasn’t available to the networks prior to the internet and the advent of streaming.
Nostalgia for great television
Ask anyone over the age of 45 and they will tell you that the best decades for t.v. was the 80’s and 90’s. The best sitcoms of all time were mostly in those years, everything from Cheers and Seinfeld to Family Ties and Friends. Those shows have been ranked many times over the years, so The Hollywood Reporter decided it was time to look at the new century.