Annoying Things People Do At Concerts
I can’t stop thinking about Miranda Lambert calling out annoying fans at her concert.
A group of women old enough to know better took selfies during a solemn moment at her show in Las Vegas last Saturday.
Here’s the photo that started it all.
I’d be livid if I were near these yahoos. Just another one of the annoying things people do at concerts.
And the woman is NOT apologizing.
She says she was “appalled” at being called out.
Apparently, they just wanted to have a good picture, because they “had the best seats in the house.”
Weird flex, lady.
The woman’s name is Adela Calin, and she’s a 43-year-old social media influencer with more than 18,000 followers on Instagram.
Insert eyeroll here.
“It was 30 seconds at most,” she said. “We took the picture quickly and were going to sit back down . . . it felt like I was back at school with the teacher scolding me for doing something wrong.”
She was also real mad at how Miranda made it seem like she and her friends were “young, immature, and vain.”
Newsflash. You are two out of three, lady.
Officially, I am #teamMiranda. Because people are the WORST.
Why Do People Forget the Band is There?
People seem to have forgotten the whole point of being at a concert – to listen to the band. It’s like they’re attending a multitasking Olympics, but hey, we’re here to enjoy the music, right?
Being a fantastic audience member is more crucial than ever, especially in the age of cell phones and selfies. It’s time to ditch the annoying habits and embrace the concert culture with open arms, ’cause let’s face it – performers deserve better!
We need to remind ourselves to take a breath, enjoy the music, and let loose.
Remember, the band’s playing, not the audience. So let’s leave the one-person shows, blocking maneuvers, and phone marathons for another time and place.
Let’s be present, soak in the vibes, and give the band the attention they deserve.
Leave the multitasking for mundane tasks like grocery shopping – not at concerts, where the magic happens!