DIRTY LAUNDRY: Welcome to Your Fabulous Life Clooney Twins, Ella and Alexander!
BREAKING NEWS! The twins have arrived! Congrats George and Amal Clooney! (Honestly, I did have high hopes that one day I would be Georgie’s baby mama, but MY DREAMS WERE DASHED). -LBF
George Clooney is a dad! Amal Clooney has given birth to twins Alexander and Ella. https://t.co/TOpn3rLyw8 pic.twitter.com/EQmRpbeZze
— E! News (@enews) June 6, 2017
I don’t believe this story for a second, but I’ll share it anyways because I like to gossip… Jennifer Lopez has a list of rules for A-Rod. This story/picture is cuter:
Jennifer Lopez and A-Rod shares adorable photos of their big happy family https://t.co/UmHTyueBkb
— Onyinyechi Bethel (@OnyinyechiBethe) June 6, 2017
John Cougar Mellencamp says being a rock star is a BIG pain in the ___!
John Mellencamp: What I Know Now https://t.co/kLyfvJemQk @AARP #AARP #newpaintings #art #rootsrocker #sadclownsandhillbillies
— John Mellencamp (@johnmellencamp) May 31, 2017
Halle Berry=NOT PREGNANT #SteakAndFries
Bill Cosby trial is underway. This whole Cosby story makes me so sad and angry.
Everything you need to know about the Bill Cosby trial https://t.co/F0UPFrZeAi
— The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) June 5, 2017
Al Pacino to play Joe Paterno in HBO movie. Yikes.