Americans are snacking more than ever. And the choices that we have pick from have never been more plentiful. People here in Massachusetts are also big on snacks. Here are the top 5 go to snacks for Massachusetts.
National snack day
We celebrate national snack day every March 4. Which is appropriate because we March 4 to the snack cabinet multiple times a day.
It wasn’t always this way when it came to snacks. If you grew up in the 70s or 80s, you probably didn’t have as many choices as we do now. Of course, there was a variety of chips and crackers and assorted pastries Delights. These days have to grocery stores are filled with a huge variety of snacks.
They used to be you would just buy a bag of chips. Then came Fritos, Doritos and Cheetos. As if that wasn’t enough each of those brands now come with dozens of different flavors for every taste imaginable.
As a matter of fact, Lays potato chips has had contest for years asking fans to come up with a different type of chip. People can submit different flavors of their favorite foods in hopes of leas selecting theirs as the new chip of the year.
We love our snacks
My wife once submitted hush puppy lays . She was convinced that it would be that year‘s winner. Unfortunately, it was not to be but dreams die hard given the opportunity she would resubmit the idea every year.
The United States of Snacks
A market research company released a map that shows the most-searched-for SNACK in every U.S. state . . . and the results were pretty bland.
Rice Krispies Treats were #1 in 18 different states . . . Doritos was the preferred snack in 16 states . . . and Cheetos was the top snack in eight states. So 42 of 50 states picked one of those three.
There were a few SLIGHTLY more unique picks: Fritos and Chex Mix both carried three states . . . Lay’s potato chips were the top pick in two states . . . and New Jersey went with Cheerios.
That adds up to 51, because they included Washington, D.C. A few other favorites that didn’t rank Number One, but made the Top Five in a number of states are: Goldfish, Pringles, Tostitos, Starburst, and Chips Ahoy.
(The Pioneer Woman)
(Here’s the map, with the Top Five in each state.)