When was the last time you watched a sitcom on t.v.? For me, it’s been a long time. Mainly because they are not that great, sure there were great 90’s sitcoms and some in the 21st century like Seinfeld and The Office, but generally speaking the golden era for sitcoms is in our rear view mirrors.
I’m not sure why they don’t make great sitcoms anymore, it seems like every show on tv now is based on crime, court or some SUV unit in a metropolitan location. Gone are the days of the rapid fire wit of a Sam and Diane or Sam and Rebecca, or the weirdness of Andy Kaufman and the dry wit of Bob Newhart as a hotel owner.
To be truthful, I can honestly say that I can’t even think of a sitcom that is on today.
Let’s get in the way-back machine and take a ride back to when sitcoms ruled the airwaves.
Here are my Great Eight Sitcoms