Bob & LBF in the Morning

Bob & LBF in the Morning

Bob & LBF in the Morning

393633 01: Actor George Wendt, known as Norm on the sitcom "Cheers", looks at his beer August 23, 2001 on opening night at the "Cheers" bar in Boston MA. Drinking with him is owner Tom Kershaw who also owns the Bull & Finch Pub, which the popular sitcom is based on. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images)

When was the last time you watched a sitcom on t.v.? For me, it’s been a long time. Mainly because they are not that great, sure there were great 90’s sitcoms and some in the 21st century like Seinfeld and The Office, but generally speaking the golden era for sitcoms is in our rear view mirrors.

I’m not sure why they don’t make great sitcoms anymore, it seems like every show on tv now is based on crime, court or some SUV unit in a metropolitan location. Gone are the days of the rapid fire wit of a Sam and Diane or Sam and Rebecca, or the weirdness of Andy Kaufman and the dry wit of Bob Newhart as a hotel owner.

To be truthful, I can honestly say that I can’t even think of a sitcom that is on today.

Let’s get in the way-back machine and take a ride back to when sitcoms ruled the airwaves.
Here are my Great Eight Sitcoms

  • Alf 1986-1990

    Alf was a sneaky smart sitcom, on paper it shouldn’t have worked, after all wasn’t it already done with Mork and Mindy in the 70’s? Alf was a less zany show and was more snarky, at the same time adorable. Who wouldn’t want a cute alien in the house? Cats. If Alf is on your provider, give it another look see. I bet you laugh more than once.

  • Taxi 1978-1983

    Sure Taxi started in the 70’s but it got in three great years into the 80’s. It launched so many careers with an ensemble cast that looking back was pretty darn terrific. The late great Andy Kaufman, Tony Danza, Merilu Henner, Danny Devito, Christopher Lloyd and the sadly gone to soon, Jeff Conaway. Watch this show and you will be amazed at how smart and sweet it could be. If they made it today it would be called Uber or Lyft. No thanks!

  • Night Court 1984-1992

    Night Court is another ensamble cast that when you look back at it, you think, dang! That was a great show. The judge, Harry Anderson, the cute Markie Post and the super snarky John Larroquette. The show was funny and smart with the a judge you could only hope to reside over your case, the show is still so good that there is a reboot on now. I haven’t seen it yet, so the jury is still out on it, but it has a tough act to follow. RIP Markie Post.

  • Married With Children 1987-1997

    When Married With Children debuted on what was the brand new FOX Network it looked almost low rent compared to the big three networks. The set looked cheap, the actors were all unknown to most of us. And that was the point with the show, it depicted what was more reality than the other slick family sitcoms that were on at the time. It relied heavily on the banter between Al and Peggy Bundy and their rather ill behaved kids, Bud and Kelly. Let’s be honest, we all knew a Bundy family or two and may have been related to one.

  • It's The Garry Shandling Show 1986-1990

    This was one of the first shows that broke the barrier between the viewer and the character with Garry Shandling talking directly to the camera and reacting to what was going on with the show. It had not been done to that degree before and not well since, even the Office stayed in character when they talked to the camera. Garry was so likable and endearing that he really seemed like somebody you wanted to spend time with. Plus, the theme song is classic Garry Shandling.

  • Newhart 1982-1990

    I have always been a Bob Newhart fan since his stand up days and his classic comedy album “The Buttoned Down Mind” of Bob Newhart. His fist sitcom is still one of my all time favorites so when Newhart came out I was both excited and apprehensive, thinking there was no he could top the original. There were plenty of times when he did just that. Newhart was so charming and disarming with his looney cast of characters like Larry and his two brothers named Daryl. His maid Stephanie and her boyfriend Michael and the wacky repairman George Utley. Let’s not forget what is probably the best show ending of all time. If you haven’t seen it, I won’t give it away, but suffice to say, it was very satisfying.

  • Family Ties 1982-1989

    When Family Ties debuted most of us thought it was going to be another show about a sweet family and all the travails of raising kids in the crazy 80’s, little did we know how great it would be. With a cast that included Michael J. Fox whose character was so different than anything else on television that within two years he would become a household name and star in some of the best movies of the decade. It’s sad watching now and knowing that within a few years he would come down with Parkinson’s disease and be robbed of his best years and we were robbed of what could have been. The show was original, real and fresh and a look back at it with fresh eyes shows that it stands up to this day. If you have kids, tell them to watch it, they will love it.

  • Cheers 1982-1993

    Based in Boston, Cheers is always in the top 10 of all time best sitcoms and for good reason. It was so funny and quick with endearing yet flawed characters that you loved. Yes, you knew all of their names because you wished you knew them in real life. Sam and Diane, then Sam and Rebecca, Norm and Cliff, Coach then Woody, Carla and Frasier. The show was so huge that to this day there is a Cheers bar that tourists from all over come to hoping to see a familiar face. Sadly, they won’t be there, too bad because I would buy a round for them. Here’s to one of the best ever, Cheers!

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