While there still are some things we all can agree on, there are things Boomers still love that Gen Z and Millennials don’t.
For example we can all agree that if our team isn’t at the Big Game, we’ll watch for the commercials. We know you still call it the S word. We can’t because the NFL won’t let us, even though they are ok with us mentioning, The NFL. Add to that we all agree that we’ll cook up something fun and special for the S….ah…The Big Game.
What about staying up late to watch the Grammys? Or do you find the highlights of the performances on your phone the next morning?
Speaking of TV, do we watch a show on it’s scheduled time anymore, or watch at our convenience? You know the answer to that.
But when it comes to finance optimism, opinions vary vastly between the generations.
What Is The Most Financially Confident Generation?
According to Wallethub:
Gen Z is the least financially confident generation, as more than 1 in 4 Gen Zers say they are not confident in their financial knowledge and skills. Gen Z seems averse to risk.
57% of Gen Zers think savings accounts are the best way to invest their money, while 46% of Baby Boomers say investing in stocks is a better option. But, the Boomers are feeling inflation more.
48% of Baby Boomers say inflation is holding them back more than their income, debt, and housing costs, compared to only 39% of Gen Zers.
Some young people lack budgets. Almost 30% of Gen Zers don’t have a budget for managing their monthly expenses.
7 Things Boomers Still Love
To lighten this up a bit, we found a funny survey from Yahoo Finance comparing the 7 things Boomers still love that Gen Z and Millennials don’t. Let’s see if you agree.
As a refresher:
Baby Boomer Age Range:
Born between 1946-1964
Gen X Age Range
Millennial Age Range:
Born between 1981-1996
Gen Z Age Range
Born between 1997 and 2012
Ok Boomers, the spotlight is on YOU!