It was an amazing three days. I met some wonderful, supportive women, all in for a good cause: fundraising for the Elizabeth Stone House (please donate HERE if you’re so inclined).
Here are some of the shots I took from this past weekend’s three day “Wilderness Heals” hike in the White Mountains. What an experience.

On the ride up to NH. I call this: “boot laces, bags and water bladders” cos they were all hangin’ off the upper ledge of the bus.

That moment when the bus pulls away and you realize….you’re on your own…in the forest…for three days. (dramatic pause)

My accommodations for the next three days. Pretty good! I call top bunk!

The view from my bunk.

The view from the front of Zealand Hut, where we stayed. Can you say a w e s o m e….

There was indoor plumbing…sort of.

When you stay at Zealand hut, breakfast and dinner are included. This is how supplies are brought up to said hut by the people running the hut. Quite the workout for those young women.

On a nearby ledge just outside the hut, there were some sunbathers. 🙂

Beyond the sunbathers, a very short walk away, Zealand Falls. Gorgeous. And cold. Yes, I went in the water…up to my neck…because I smelled like a goat.

A couple of the women in our 9 person all female hiking group. Inspirations, all of them!

The demon pack I lugged around for three days with all my necessities (strangers leg not included).