DM Disaster: Locked Up
We hear your DM’s every weekday at 6:40 & 7:40am. Today’s DM Disaster is Locked Up, Damon is calling us after his tiny oversight, landed his wife behind bars. If you have a DM Disaster you want us to talk about DM us on our Instagram page BobandLBF.
One day, his wife, Melissa, was pulled over while driving. Expecting just a warning or maybe a ticket, she was stunned when the officer informed her that the registration was expired—and then took her to jail. The caller got a frantic phone call from Melissa, who was absolutely furious, blaming him for forgetting to renew the registration. To make matters worse, Cheryl, the town’s notorious gossiper, witnessed the entire scene and quickly spread the word that Melissa now had a “record.”
The caller rushed to bail Melissa out, but it didn’t end there. She was waiting for him at the station, arms crossed and angrier than ever. On top of dealing with his wife’s wrath, they were slapped with a mountain of fines. Their plans for a family vacation quickly transformed into the “Help Melissa Stay Out of Jail” fund. Now, Cheryl’s spreading gossip, Melissa’s still mad, and he’s left owning his mistake, joking that he’s earned the title of “Husband of the Year.”
The Bob and LBF cracked up at the story, sympathizing with how such a tiny oversight could lead to such chaos. A listener called in talking about the time she was arrested all thanks to a glitch in the system, she told us it was an old moving violation that she told us she paid, but the cop wanted a receipt to prove she did pay it.
All this and more on the ROR Morning Show with Bob Bronson and LBF Podcast. Find more great podcasts at…The Place To Be For Podcast Discovery