I’m not a tat guy. If I got one, it would be a Dunkin’s bar code on my hand, to expedite the drive through. But if you’re famous actor Jason Mamoa, your tat means more than coffee. It means you cut off your hair, showing a tattoo depicting your family crest. (Why don’t I have a family crest? The closest thing to a family crest I have is the ROR logo on a hoodie.)
Mamoa Tattoo
According to yahoo.com the new Mamoa tat represents his Hawaiian heritage: The star told his followers he was “proud to be Hawaiian”.
He then said he had “something special” for them and whipped off his hat to show the new tattoo.
The marking runs down the side of the star’s head and onto his neck in a triangular pattern.
Momoa also shared snaps on Instagram which appeared to show the tattoo being done.
“Honored to be a part of this, powerful moment in my life,” he wrote. This new tat reportedly represents images from his family crest.
Celebrity Tattoos
The most impressive tattoo I have ever seen up close, is John Mayer’s. Many years ago back stage at the Xfinity Center, I got the chance to meet John. His entire arm is one, long sleeve of tattoo. I wish I asked him about it’s meaning, but our picture was rushed and he had to start the show. But during the few minutes of our meeting he seemed down to earth and a decent. guy. My apologies to Taylor Swift, who may feel different.
So, below, I found a collection of the celebs we know, showing off their body-art expression. (Wow, I have never used the word body-art, in a sentence. First time!)
Here’s Jason’s new tat. I can’t explain what’s happening in the background.