Not everyone loves Sci-Fi movies. The people that do love them are almost cult like and fanatical about them. I happen to enjoy them, especially if they are original with a great concept and of course a decent enough budget to not look cheesy.
Hollywood has come a long way since the 1950’s hey day of corny science fiction movies. At that time the technology had not caught up with the writing. If you have ever seen anything like the “Creature From The Black Lagoon” or “The Blob” you will agree that we have come a long way.
It’s always fun to watch those oldies but goodies and try to imagine yourself in a dark theater back in the day. How could audiences not laugh at how lame the costumes were on the aliens and other creatures from both outer space and under water.
The folks at Entertainment Weekly have put together the top 31 Best Sci-Fi Movies of All Time. Frankly, the list is pretty surprising because there are a lot that you might not consider to be that great.
Of course it all comes down to personal tastes and with movies, we can hardly agree on anything. In this case the list was put together by a panel of movie buffs, especially those that love Sci-Fi movies of all types.
Science Fiction movies have been around since the dawn of Hollywood. The fascination people have with the possibilities of the unknown stretches all the way back to authors like Jules Verne and his novels Journey To The Center Of The Earth and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea. There’s Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, which was made into a movie in 1931 starring Boris Karloff.
Hollywood continue to make sci-fi movies to this day due to their unwavering popularity among audiences that hunger to be awed by the imagination of writers, directors and actors.
Here are the top 5 Sci-Fi movies of all time according to Entertainment Weekly.