It only takes one bad actor to ruin a movie!
The people at (Far Out) have come up with a list of the top 5 movies that were ruined by just one bad character (or actor). Let’s face it, we have all been disappointed while watching a movie in which just one character can ruin the whole movie for you. Perhaps the actor was not right for the role or maybe the character was unnecessarily annoying.
We’re not sure who to blame.
If the character is written in such a way to have the desired effect of being annoying or hated by the audience that’s one thing. It’s entirely a different thing if the actor plays the role so poorly or over the top that the character becomes annoying.
It’s one thing if the character is designed for us to despise them. Say, for instance, a character in a comedy that we think is way over the top and unrealistic. We understand it was written that way and you really can’t blame the actor for playing a role.
Something in common
With these top five characters all have in common, they put them on top of the list if their character was so bad that the movie was ruined for the audience.
All but one of these actors are A Listers, meaning they are basically household names. They are all so successful that they should have known better than to take these roles. Confidence is a by product of huge success and with that comes the mistaken notion that they can tackle any role. Oops!
Blip on the screen
For these big time stars, these roles are mostly blips on the screen and their careers didn’t suffer. Every actor has been part of a movie that they wish could be forgotten. For these five, unfortunately these parts will never be forgotten but they can all be forgiven for their acting transgressions.
The top 5 Movie Roles that ruined the movie!