Amazon’s TOP sellers will crack you up! Are you a MAJOR Amazon customer?
Is this the daily holiday conversation in your house: “Honey, do you need these five Amazon boxes? No, you can dump them.” That’s the daily conversation in our house.
The convenience of Amazon is extraordinary. Within seconds, the exact item you need, can be delivered, sometimes now, in the SAME DAY. Add to that, you see other items you THINK you need, and order them instantly. What about past orders? Just click, “order again” and there it is to share with a friend. You’re an instant hero thanks to Amazon.
Amazon Holiday Shopping
While we don’t have holiday shopping figures yet, you wouldn’t think there are inflation problems, as people are spending. According to
For 2023, Amazon’s average daily sales revenue: $1.4 billion That accounts for Amazon’s total revenue of a whopping $514 billion in 2022.
An even MORE interesting statistic is this:
Jungle Scout’s most recent Consumer Trends Report says Amazon is the most popular search destination for consumers, above search engines (39%), Walmart (34%), YouTube (23%), and Facebook (22%). Amazon sees over 2 billion site visits every month, and saw 2.2 billion site visits in April 2023.
Not that I’m happy about this, but the massive growth of Amazon is clearly the reason that countless brick and mortar outlets have closed. What’s stunning about the Amazon machine, is that, at least for our household, they rarely make mistakes. After YEARS of using them, I can barely count on one hand when they messed up. When they did, they fixed it immediately.
Amazon’s TOP Sellers
So now that we know what Amazon means to us, what are our favorite products sold to us New Englanders? A website called, compiled Amazon’s best selling products by state. Maybe they called you for this survey!
Let’s see if you bought these!