Bob & LBF in the Morning

Bob & LBF in the Morning

Bob & LBF in the Morning

11 Annoying Things People Say They Are Too Old To Deal With

Let’s face it, the older you get, the less B.S. you want to deal with. If you’re of a certain age, let’s say over 30, you are getting tired of wasting precious time. People were asked online to name some of the most annoying things that consider to be “not worth dealing” anymore.

The answers are somewhat surprising

You would think that we would be sick of the bigger things in life, like bad bosses, irritating co-workers and poor service at a restaurant, but what people are most annoyed by are the “little things”. Maybe we are tired of sweating them after all.

Time is precious!

We know that there is only some much precious time in our day, so putting up little things that you find annoying get’s harder and harder.  We choose to avoid situations that we don’t want to deal with and find things that are more enjoyable. Perhaps that’s why the older we get the choosier we are with the people that we choose to spend time with. In college and high school, the idea is to collect as many friends as you can.

Not doing things for the sake of doing them

When we were younger time was a commodity that seemed to be endless. You didn’t care about wasting time because you knew that you had plenty left, as we age, we know that time is not to be wasted on doing things or being with people that are time wasters. It get a lot easier to say “no thanks” I’m not interested as we get older. You don’t have to worry about being in a clique or the “cool club” anymore.

People that are irksome are not worth our time

Something else happens as you get older, you have less time to deal with people that are not pleasant to us. Somebody cuts you off in traffic? Now instead of getting heated and a small case of road rage, we’re much more likely to let it go.

Here’s the list of the Top 11 Annoying Things We Don’t Have Time For Anymore, (worth your time to read!)

  • 11. Negativity

    Angry driver

    We have less time for negativity in all aspects of our lives. We don’t want to give our precious time to people that are constantly negative and dragging you down. For most of us, we choose to find people that are more positive and leave the negativity behind.


  • 10. Camping On The Ground


    If you have ever “camped out” in an old fashioned tent with sleeping bags on the ground, then you know that it doesn’t take long to miss your bed. Given the choice, most of would choose a comfy bed to sleeping on the cold hard ground. Leave it to the kids with stronger backs.

  • 9. Waiting In Line

    in line

    (Photo by David Cannon/Getty Images)
    The older we get, the less time we want to wait in any line. There are lines everywhere these days from 2 hour waits at amusement parks or for getting tickets to a hot show (thankfully we can get tickets online without the lines) Waiting in line is for the young at heart.

  • 8. Keeping Up With New Music

    kid in car

    Remember the days when you knew all of the hits on the radio? After a certain age you outgrow the current music, so if you don’t who Dua Lipa or Billy Strings are, then you are not keeping track of the current stars, and that’s okay with us because we play the classics!

  • 7. Keeping Up With New Slang

    dude reading an interesting looking book
    When you’re young you have to keep up with the latest slang otherwise you will have no idea what the heck people are talking about. If your teenager says you have “nice drip”, that means you’re dressed well, not springing a leak.

  • 6. Sitting On The Floor

    Young woman suprised sitting on the floor with computer looking at the laptop. (Red Flag Words To Avoid In Vacation Rental Listings)

    The older you get the harder it is to get down and sit on the floor, so it stands to reason that getting up from the floor is also harder to do. There are very few reasons for us to sit on the floor like we once did. The only time most of us would do this is at an airport because our flight was cancelled and there are no seats left at the gate. Even then we will find a seat somewhere!

  • 5. Caring About People That Don't Care About You

    angry woman

    Gone are days when we fretted over whether someone liked us. The older you get, the less you worry about winning over someone that doesn’t care about us. We have learned to let it go and let them go about their lives. Unless, they’re your boss, let it it go.

  • 4. Lack Of Sleep

    lack of sleep

    We know that sleep is a precious and necessary commodity and we don’t take it for granted. Anything or anyone that comes between us and our much needed sleep will not be tolerated any longer. Get in your 7-8 hours of sleep a night for a better you!

  • 3. Hangovers


    Back in the day you might have had that extra drink or two and not think about the consequences that awaited you in the morning. You could sleep it off and carry on with the rest of your day. Now we know that hangovers are not worth all the previous night’s fun. Know your limit and don’t cross it.

  • 2. Concerts Without Assigned Seating

    out door concert

    ArtMassa/ Getty Images

    In your youth you would look forward to attending an outdoor concert without assigned seats and hope for the best. Now, you want to know exactly where you’re going to be sitting and you will defend those seats with your life. God forbid that somebody is in your seats! Nothing is more irksome!

  • 1. Arguing With Other People

    stressed couple

    When you had extra time, you might have enjoyed some mental sparring with someone just to prove that you’re right. You could argue for hours about the most mundane things, such as who is a better quarterback or who the best political candidate is. Now we don’t want to waste our time trying to change someone’s mind. If they choose to be wrong, so be it!

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