OK, so it’s not really a ‘collection’. I have two. Two guitars. One electric and one acoustic. Woooo!
I don’t sit still long enough to really learn what I want to learn on the guitar. I need a year on a desert island with nothing but a guitar to even get close to where I wanna be.
But occasionally I do pick one of ’em up and strum and pluck away (with hopes no one else is listening). I tend to lose track of time when I play and I don’t have the time to lose track of time.
Both guitars need to go to the shop. I haven’t plugged my electric in since I nearly got electrocuted (slight dramatization) about seven years ago so for awhile I was playing the electric ‘acoustically’ until I finally broke down and bought an actual acoustic guitar. And the acoustic needs some work, too.
I often wish there were two of me: one to be responsible, the other to cavort.
What would I like to be able to play?