I ran (and I use that term loosely) the marathon in 2004 (I was part of the Liver Foundation’s fundraising team), but I’ve never gone to the marathon as a spectator. And I had to text my ex-husband to find out if we’d ever gone to a Marathon Monday Sox game (cos god knows I can’t remember back that far!). He said he doesn’t think so (read: he can’t remember either!).
So this year, Marathon Monday was a day of firsts! Here’s how it went down:

Special WROR staff outing! We’re going to the Sox game Monday! Wooo Hoooo!

Jaybeau and I meet at the station at 9, head over to JFK to T it in and spot this on the stairs. mmmm…breakfast!

My super hip boss says we’re all meeting at Verb. I walk in and notice the decor.

Yea. This is in the “hotel lobby”! You can plug in and play (with permission from the friendly staff at Verb)

My eye catches these. “Why are these here?” I ask. “So you can play them on the turntable over here.” Duh. Of course! I went through every record. It’s the owners collection, which looks a lot like my collection…hmmm…I better take inventory when I get home!

I have to use the ladies room. (This ^^ could actually solve that issue we’ve been hearing about on the news!)

I open the bathroom door and what do I see but a mural signed by none other than Jonathan Richman! This will be an extra enjoyable pee!

And, oh lord, this is on the bathroom wall!

So is this.

This is also on the bathroom wall.

This signed gem is in one of the hallways leading to the bathroom at Verb. I’ll def be back here!

However, time now to go to Fenway!

But before you can get in the park, purse check! Nothing but lady stuff in there. Marked “safe”.

We had great seats!

(objects appear farther away!)

A Fenway Frank is a must have at any Sox game. One of those moments where I conveniently block out what’s actually in a hotdog. (shout out to my seat mates Betty & Peter)

Game’s over…for me anyway. This fair weather fan left at the top of the 9th after watching everything fall apart and a third pitching change. I’m headed to the Marathon finish line to watch some winners.

Gotta go through security to get on to Boylston. A lonnnng line and another purse check. Safe again!

Watching some runners coming down Hereford Street.

At the 26 mile marker. Only .2 to go! At one point, a female runner comes up and plants the most passionate kiss on a guy in front of me. They’re obviously a couple and he’s obviously very proud of her.

The line waiting to get off Boylston Street. Lots of runners wrapped in foil. I’m on my way to Park Street Station, headed home. Really nice day. Thank you Mary Menna & Ken West!!!