Mom Gets Roasted For Spending 1st Night In College Dorm With Daughter
Late August is that time of year when parents are moving their precious kids off to college. For some, it’s a very hard thing to do, and not just for the kids, but for mom and dad. Leaving your child at a college dorm is a rite of passage that happens to hundreds of thousands of American families every year.
If this is this is the first child that you have packed up and moved into a college dorm, then it might be hard to leave them that first night.
It’s not uncommon for kids to beg you to not leave them because for them it is a very scary new world without you. Some kids are ready for the big adventure and might even escort you to the exit so they can begin their exciting new “independent life”.
A North Carolina mom posted a video after sleeping over the first night with her daughter in the her college dorm for her first night as a freshman. Now people are arguing over whether that’s fun and cute, or way overbearing.
Hundreds of people liked a comment that said, “This is gross and weird. Have some boundaries. Say goodbye to your kid and go cry in the car like everyone else. Let them live their lives.”
Others think it’s perfectly fine and heartwarming. The girl’s roommate hadn’t moved in yet, so what’s the harm?
She would judge her for staying overnight with her daughter if nobody else was around? Her daughter didn’t seem to mind at all, in fact she seemed quite happy to spend one more night with her mom.
People can be very mean when it comes to these kind of things for little to no reason. There was no harm done and mom didn’t do it because she was a “helicopter” parent, she did it to make her child comfortable with her new surroundings. If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Here’s the video of the mom staying in the college dorm that has gone viral
(Here’s the video.)