9 lies Hollywood tells us
You mean to tell me that you can’t believe everything you see in movies? We have all seen movies where some of these 9 lies Hollywood tells us can happen.
When you go to an action packed movie, you take it all with a grain of salt, make that a lot of grains of salt! Of course there’s a Superman that wears a flashy red cape and can soar higher than a skyscraper and is stronger than a locomotive.
It’s the little lies
It’s not the big lies they tell us, it’s the small ones that we have seen so many times in movies that we take for granted that they’re true. So much so that you might have to start taking nothing you see at the theaters for fact. It’s hard enough to believe that Kevin James will always be married to a super model and that an intern can afford a luxury apartment in New York City, but we take these to be part of the movie making process.

(Photo By Getty Images)
Face Off!
One of the craziest, most unbelievable plots in movie history is the outrageously untrue “Face Off” with John Travolta and Nick Cage. The concept was that they switched faces with each other and you were asked to believe that it was plausible. Forget that John Travolta was taller and thicker than Nick Cage and they never changed their distinctive voices. We played along, because we knew it was so absurd that you could only let it play out and enjoy the rest of the movie.
What to believe?
The folks at Mentalfloss have put together a list of the lies that movies tell us so often that we actually think they’re true. Everything from how to take down your opponent with a hand kerchief to using a silencer on the end of your 9 millimeter. Are you really allowed just one phone call from jail? Is there sound in space? Let’s answer these questions for once and for all!