What do Donald Trump and Barbie have in common? Pokemon Go is sweeping the nation and it doesn’t seem to be cooling down. Have you heard what experts are saying to do to help save water. Comedian Tony V joins us in studio and he just got back from a festival in Nebraska that was in Johnny Carson’s home town. The Deflategate saga continues, find out all about the latest development. “Mr. Everything” Bob Ryan calls in to give us the scoop on everything from Deflategate to the Celtics new roster. Heading to the beach, we’re going to tell you how you can keep those cool drinks cool in today’s Wallyology. Have you been to the beach yet this summer? LBF had a little bit of road rage yesterday. Find out all about the new Ghost Busters movie out this weekend from Tony V whose in the movie, well kind of. This and all your favorites like Men from Maine, Dirty Laundry, and much more in today’s Loren & Wally podcast.