Apple released its new iPhone which sparks a debate on the size of phone. After a Tallahassee women had a baby, she accidentally added a stranger to a group text, what the stranger did was amazing. When you file your taxes you see how much you spend on maintaining a car, but in one state insurance rates are through the roof. You can finally travel to Cuba but it hasn’t quite joined the new age. Dancing with the Stars premiered last night and LBF and Wally breakdown last nights show. Have you ever wondered what female has the longest hair in the world? We have the answer in today’s Wallyology. If you’re looking to have more marital relations, you should paint your bedroom this color. Today marks the 70th anniversary of Americas finest pilots The Blue Angels. All this plus Dirty Laundry, Men From Maine, Three Things, Birthdays, and much more in today’s Loren & Wally Podcast!