Do you remember Chewbacca mom? Guess how much money she’s made off her video. For all you commuters out there, you won’t believe why your commute just got more expensive. Are you a fan of Ryan Gosling? Hear what he had to say about women. A Clinton is in hot water again, find out who and what they did. Speaking of hot water, Panera Bread is facing legal troubles after a customer found this in their grilled cheese. June is celibacy awareness month, so we have four bad things that happen when you don’t have sex. Today’s Wallyology tells you what happened to the original Mayflower. Did you hear this country is banning all gas powered cars? How many hours of your life do you spend thinking about what to wear? You’ll never guess what this father did to discipline his kid. All this plus Men From Maine, Birthday’s, Dirty Laundry, and Three Things, in today’s Loren & Wally podcast!