If you ever have bit your tongue, you know how much it hurts and we have tips to relieve the pain. Whats the most money you ever spent on yourself before telling your significant other? Most kids are taking a year off of school before going to college, we explain what a gap year can do for your child. A video of a man being a creep in target has hit the web, and now more women are coming forward. After many outbreaks of salmonella, Wally has the tips for washing your cucumber in today’s Wallyology. If you fly when you go on vacation you might get air rage so we have the ways to lighten your mood. Polls in Indiana have officially opened for the Presidential primary. Mother’s Day is right around the corner we have the joys of being a mom. If you spend a lot of time on a phone for work, we have the proper way to help with your posture. All this plus Men From Maine, Birthday’s, Three Things, and Dirty Laundry in today’s Loren & Wally podcast!