Long time dictator Fidel Castro passed away, the reaction from Cuba was mixed, but Little Havana in Miami was a bit different. Cyber Monday is here but will it be as big of a shopping day as most expect? Charlie Sheen is selling his mansion, and one person in Tennessee won Powerball jackpot. Thanksgiving is in the books, we recap all our dinners to see how everything went. The Holidays are a dangerous time of year, a women in Florida shot two people, also a man stabbed his parents during thanksgiving dinner an much more. If you suffer from heartburn Wally has what you’ll need to prevent it in today’s Wallyology. The official Attorney of the show Josh Davis stops by the studio to give us the rundown on the what to watch for during an office holiday party and we also answer some questions from members of the Nation. All this plus Men From Maine, Birthday’s, Dirty Laundry, and Three Things in today’s Loren & Wally podcast!