Lots of people have severe food allergies but a new study has come out which would help out with the most common allergy. We have an impossible question for you. The Election is looming so we went state by state to compare how many states have the same ballot questions. Lots of malls have started to roll out the christmas theme. Do you think its too soon ? Trick or Treaters were out in full force at Hank’s house, but everyone else has other results. Do you ride an elevator every day and wonder do all the buttons work, well we have startling news. Why do dogs eat grass? We now have the info in today’s Wallyology. We have a special game for everyone who’s sick of election, we have a list of celebrities can you guess who they’re voting for. Researchers have found a new way to use snake venom. All this plus Men From Maine, Birthday’s, Three Things and Dirty Laundry in today’s Loren & Wally podcast!