We have the latest Hurricane Matthew update. How excited are you to see Tom Brady hit the field on Sunday for the first time this season? Do you remember your dreams? We tell you what men and women dream about the most. Our Friend Dr. Rick Sneider is live on the scene in the eye of the storm. A month from now a very important poll is taking place in Massachusetts that will leave you up in smoke and we’re going to tell you about an elderly woman caught in a drug raid. What can a woman do to make a man believe in god? We tell you in today’s Wallyology. Live from Progressive Field home of the Cleveland Indians, Boston’s own Dan Shaunessy calls in to talk the Sox. We have a new romance kindling in Hollywood. The big desert trip concert starts tonight and ticket holders are having some problems. The hilarious Adam Corolla calls in for his appearance at the Wilbur. A farmer in England keeps having his sheep stolen, find out what he’s doing to put in end to it. All this plus Men from Maine, Dirty Laundry, Three Things, and Birthday in today’s Loren & Wally Podcast!